When it comes to picking out and taking care of a classroom pet, there is a lot of information to take in, and it can sometimes be a little overwhelming.  We at Pets in the Classroom want to outline a few of our favorite sources of information that can aid you in your experience with your classroom pet.

The Pets in the Classroom Blog – If you are reading this, you are probably already aware of the information that our blog provides.  Please browse through past posts to gain information on choosing a classroom pet, welcoming it into your classroom, incorporating it into your curriculum, and much, much more!

Critters in the Classroom – A blog for teachers about classroom pets, written by teachers who have classroom pets!  Critters in the Classroom is a great place for teachers to see other teachers’ adventures and ideas for incorporating animals into the classroom.

petsmartPetSmart.com – Petsmart.com has a wonderful teacher’s guide with PDF lesson plans and information on the different classroom pets that the Pets in the Classroom PetSmart grant option supports.

petcoPetco.com – Download a care sheet with information on your classroom pet at Petco.com.  These care sheets include a list of shopping needs for the pet, important facts, and information on the pet’s diet, housing needs, grooming requirements, health concerns, and more.

What is your favorite source for information on classroom pets?  Is there a great site you visit to find information on how to incorporate your pet into your curriculum? Please share it with us on our Facebook or Google+ page!

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