Now that school is in and classrooms are organized, one thing that should be created is a log or journal for the classroom pet. This is an important tool in ensuring that your classroom pet receives consistent and proper care at all times. If the pet is cared for outside of the classroom during weekends or breaks, the pet’s journal should accompany the pet, and within the classroom it can be used to track the pet’s care.


Your classroom pet’s journal should include the following:


  • Each pet’s name, birth date and where the pet came from
  • A description of each pet – species, size, color, etc.
  • A record of any vaccines or vet care received by the pet
  • A checklist for the pet’s care, including instructions for cleaning, exercise and handling
  • A detailed log of daily feeding – type of food and quantity
  • Behavioral notes  – things the pet likes or dislikes, habits the pet displays
  • Suggested handling techniques


Students can be responsible for tracking all of the information needed for your classroom pet’s care, and this journal can become a valuable resource for your pet’s care. As pets develop, new behaviors are observed, and discoveries are made, they can all be noted in the journal. Just as we leave detailed instructions for those who care for our pets at home when we are away, your classroom pet will benefit from this kind of up-to-date and detailed recordkeeping. If your rabbit prefers carrots over celery, your parakeet is afraid of loud noises, or your hamster sometimes hides in a mound of bedding, noting these things will let everyone know how to best care for your classroom pet.


Pets in the Classroom is an educational grant program designed to help teachers (pre-K-8th) who would like a classroom pet, or to assist those who presently have animals, in obtaining supplies needed to care for the pet. Our program offers grants of up to $150.00 for the purchase of small animals such as fish, hamsters, birds, as well as supplies. Classroom pets stimulate learning, and enrich the classroom experience, apply for your grant today!


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